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1887-88 1891-92 1892 1902-03 1904 |
Please Read the Programme carefully.The Exhibitions given by BUFFALO BILL’S WILD WEST can be compared to
nothing in the amusement line that have preceded them. Differing in the respect that
there is nothing artificial or professional in their composition – being simple, plain,
animated pictures, interpreted by the genuine people (white and red), the genuine animals
and paraphernalia that have been participant in the actual real life represented. Additional
interest is added to the auditor, if he will note that each and every scene or number is
intended to represent employments, scenes, and episodes in the career of (Col. W. F. Cody)
“Buffalo Bill,” with that individual participating, or being present in person.The motive of the management is to initiate the public into the manners, customs,
and daily life in the Far West of the United States. For this purpose the most stirring
scenes, and the most remarkable events occurring in this country, are truly represented.
Whatever the thoughts of critical spectators may be, they may rest assured that each scene
is the exact representation, in the minutest details, of real life as it was in that country.All our horses are directly descended from the Spanish race brought into Mexico by
Fernand Cortez and his companions. All accessories, such as harness, &c., have been
in use for several years. We flatter ourselves with being the first and only company
which has succeeded in uniting so many elements both original and truly historic.Having obtained the applause of the public and the approval of the press in the
United States, and at London, Paris, Barcelona, Naples, Rome, Milan, Vienna, Munich,
Dresden, Leipzig, Berlin, Brussels, &c., we have the honour of appearing before the
provincial public of England.NATE SALSBURY, Director.
Opening Overture ... ... ... ... ... STAR SPANGLED BANNER1. Group of Indians, Arrapahoes.
Plenty of Wolves, their chief. “Friendly” scout U. S. Army last winter.
Group of Cow-Boys.
Jim Mitchell, their chief.
Group of Indians, Brules.
Short Bull, their chief. “High Priest” of Messiah craze, and leader of
“Hostiles” last winter.
Group of the Indians Trible (sic), the Cut-off.
Kicking Bear, their chief. The war chief of “Hostiles” last winter.
Group of Mexican Vaqueros.
Senor Antonio Esquival, their chief.
Group of Indians, Cheyennes
Lone Bull, their chief. A war chief of “Hostiles” last winter.
Group of Ladies from the Far West.
Group of Indians, Sioux.
The Boy Chiefs, sons of chiefs of the Sioux.
Flags of Friendly Nations.
John Nelson, a backwoodsman, from America.
Bone Necklace, Indian Chief, 80 years old.
Group of Indians, Ogallala Sioux.
Black Heart, their chief. “Friendly” chief in last winter’s campaign.
No Neck, a chief. “Friendly” chief; a scout U. S. army last winter.
Long Wolf, sorcerer, medicine man of the Sioux. A great warrior; neutral last winter.
“Buffalo Bill” (Col. W. F. Cody), late chief of scouts of the United States army.
Horse Racing.
A Cow-Boy, a Mexican, and an Indian, mounted on Spanish-American horses.3. Miss Annie Oakley, famous shot, in feats of skill with rifle and shot gun. 4.
Historical Fact from the Life of Buffalo Bill. On July 17th, 1875 (sic), at War-Bonnet Creek, in Dakota, Buffalo Bill challenged, and in single combat,
slew Yellow Hand, chief of the Sioux (sic). This duel, fought in the presence of the American and Indian troops,
and between representatives of the white and red races, excited the greatest interest in America.5.
Pony Express. This shows the manner in which letters and despatches were carried across the United States before the
introduction of railways and the electric telegraph. Each postillion had 50 miles of ground to cover, changing
horses every 10 miles.6.
Attack on a Convoy of Emigrants by Indians.
The inhabitants of the frontier to the rescue.7.
John Baker, famous shot.
Skilful feats of marksmanship.8.
Feats on Horse-back. Picking up while in full gallop some fallen object. Throwing the lasso, showing the way in which
horses and cattle are captured. Skill on horseback. Buck-jumpers, the most restive and intractable horses in
existence, will be shown.9. Pistol and Revolver Practice, by C. L. Daly. 10. Race by American Frontier Girls. 11.
Attack on the Deadwood Mail Coach by a band of Indians. N.B. - This is the original Deadwood Mail-Coach, celebrated on account of the number of lives lost in
They are repulsed by cow-boys, under the command of Buffalo Bill.
it. Eighteen years ago it ran between Deadwood and Cheyennes (sic), its presence increases the interest in the
representation, on account of the many distinguished personages who have ridden in it in all countries visited.12. Bare-back Riding by Indian Boys. 13.
How the Indians Live.
Indian Camp on the prairie; foot races, characteristic dances, &c.14.
Col. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill).
Exhibition of shooting skill on horse-back while riding at speed.15.
Buffalo Hunting. Being a picture of that once exciting practice (now gone forever) of the Indian and frontiersman with
buffalo who are among the last of their race - a short, sharp picture - horses, Indians, buffalo in action, Buffalo
Bill, Sioux Indians.16.
Attack on a Frontier Village by Indians.
Defence by cow-boys, under Buffalo Bill.17. Salute.
National Air - - GOD SAVE THE QUEEN.
PERFORMANCES DAILY at 3 and 8 p.m. Rain or Shine.